NY State's Gun Owner Insurance

"Democratic Assemblyman Felix Ortiz introduced Assembly Bill A03908 that would require all gun owners in the state of New York to buy at leas..."

Selamat siang kawan Insurance Official kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul NY State's Gun Owner Insurance, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2013/02/top-5-us-states-with-highest-life.html dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas NY State's Gun Owner Insurance,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips NY State's Gun Owner Insurance.

Democratic Assemblyman Felix Ortiz introduced Assembly Bill A03908 that would require all gun owners in the state of New York to buy at least $1 million in liability insurance to cover potential damages caused by their guns.

If the bill pass as a law all current New York gun owners would have 30 days to purchase the required liability insurance or face confiscation of the their guns. Future gun buyers would be required to produce proof of insurance at the time of the sale.

The bill also states that in the event a gun is stolen or lost, the owner is legally responsible for all damages resulting from the use of that gun until the theft or loss is reported to police.

Estimates of the costs of a $1 million gun owner liability insurance policy in the media have ranged from a few hundred dollars to as much as $2,000 per year.

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Anda sedang membaca artikel NY State's Gun Owner Insurance di Insurance Official. Anda juga dapat membaca artikel lainnya seperti https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2013/03/best-insurance-companies-of-2013.html atau https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2013/02/top-5-us-states-with-highest-life.html.

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Kesimpulan artikel ini adalah "Democratic Assemblyman Felix Ortiz introduced Assembly Bill A03908 that would require all gun owners in the state of New York to buy at leas..."

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