Obamacare sign-ups on track to hit 7M as website stalls

"HealthCare.gov which is the official website for U.S. consumers to enroll in private health insurance under Obamacare encountered technical..."

Selamat siang kawan Insurance Official kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul Obamacare sign-ups on track to hit 7M as website stalls, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2014/03/obamacare-deadline-march-31st-important.html dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas Obamacare sign-ups on track to hit 7M as website stalls,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips Obamacare sign-ups on track to hit 7M as website stalls.

Obamacare, Obamacare sign up, Obamacare law

HealthCare.gov which is the official website for U.S. consumers to enroll in private health insurance under Obamacare encountered technical issues twice on Monday due to huge surge of people accessing the website before the midnight deadline to sign up for coverage.

More than 6 million people had signed up for a private health coverage through the new Obamacare insurance market. It surpass the target set after a disastrous October rollout. Experts said that if the surge continues, they may exceed the original goal of 7 million.

There were times that there are more than 125,000 people using HealthCare.gov at once, thus straining it beyond its capacity.

President Barrack Obama has aggressively courting healthy 18 to 34 years, but there are reports that most of the enrollees are 35 and older.

McKinsey & Company also shows that 27% of the enrollees were previously uninsured and that roughly 75% of those who signed up for private insurance under ObamaCare have paid their premiums.

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Anda sedang membaca artikel Obamacare sign-ups on track to hit 7M as website stalls di Insurance Official. Anda juga dapat membaca artikel lainnya seperti https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2014/04/most-americans-don-budget-according-to.html atau https://insurance-official-id.blogspot.com/2014/03/obamacare-deadline-march-31st-important.html.

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