Insurance Company Refused to pay Operation for Baby's Brain Tumor

"Doctors discovered a life-threatening brain tumor in the left temporal lobe of Savannah Snodgrass when she was just 4 months old and she was..."

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Savannah Snodgrass

Doctors discovered a life-threatening brain tumor in the left temporal lobe of Savannah Snodgrass when she was just 4 months old and she was immediately sent to the Texas Children's Hospital. The doctors decided to observe her since she was too fragile and just too young to undergo a brain surgery. Doctors watch if the tumor is growing. Now the doctors decided to do an emergency surgery last Tuesday July 8 but it was cancelled because Superior HealthPlan Texas HMO, denied their coverage for the operation.

Her mom Tessa Snodgrass, 38 is a retired U.S. Army major, she received the letter of denial from their HMO. She told Fox news that her baby was having seizures that started last March, and was brought to the hospital after having 15 seizures in a 24-hour period.

This is a really sad news, shame on the Superior HealthPlan for making it difficult for their members to get treated. The mother said that the company's reason for denying their claim is that the Texas Children's Hospital is an out-of-network provider and they need to transfer to a new hospital in Austin, Texas which is an hour drive. This is just ridiculous. I hope the HMO company come to their senses and make things right for this angel.

Read the whole story here on Fox News.

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