Now you can Track Your Pizza Using Pizza Hut app

"Can't wait for your Pizza deliver? You can now track it real time using the new Pizza Hut app, you no longer have to ask "Where..."

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Pizza Hut app

Can't wait for your Pizza deliver? You can now track it real time using the new Pizza Hut app, you no longer have to ask "Where's my pizza?" They are calling it "Pizza Navigation System" and it runs like Uber's tracking app. The customer will have the ability to track the location of the delivery guy's vehicle on a map on the way to the customer's location.

Pizza Hut said that the service will "allow customers to plan for meal time while Pizza Hut simultaneously manages its fleet of drivers to ensure an efficient ordering process."

The picture of the delivery guy will also be shown on the app so that the customer will know who to expect at their door. The service was first rolled out in Russia and Israel in 2014. It will debut in the Dallas area soon, and be expanded through out the country later this year.

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