Pew poll: Japanese Thinks Americans are Lazy and Intolerant

"According to a poll about U.S.-Japan relations conducted by Pew Research Center, Americans have a positive views of Japanese while the Japan..."

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Chuck Norris

According to a poll about U.S.-Japan relations conducted by Pew Research Center, Americans have a positive views of Japanese while the Japanese generally have negative views of Americans.

In the survey, people were asked five traits hardworking, inventive, honesty, intolerant, aggressive, and selfish. The results shows that Japanese people don't like Americans that well, while Americans do like Japanese.

What Americans think about Japanese people: hardworking 94%, inventive 75%, honest 71%, intolerant 36%, aggressive 31%, and selfish 19%.

How Japanese view the Americans: hardworking 25%, inventive 67%, honest 37%, intolerant 29%, aggressive 50%, and selfish 47%.

pew poll, US, Americans, Japanese, views

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